How to Remove an Admin from a Facebook Page (2023 Updated Guide)

As a social media manager assisting small and medium businesses, one of the most common requests I get is to properly remove an admin from a Facebook Page.

Whether it‘s due to a change in staff, letting go of a problematic admin, or consolidating page management, this is an important task that takes some care and finesse.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll walk you through the step-by-step process of removing an admin from a Facebook Page, as well as strategies to avoid potential pitfalls.

Access the Page Settings

The first step is accessing the Page Settings where you can manage roles.

  1. Log into your Facebook account on a desktop computer. You cannot manage roles via the mobile app.
  2. Go to your Facebook Page and click on the Settings option in the top right dropdown menu.

Tip: Make sure you are on the actual Facebook Page itself, not just your personal profile.

Screenshot of Facebook Page Settings

Navigate to the Page Roles Section

Now you need to get to the specific section for managing page roles.

  1. In the left sidebar menu, click on Page Roles under the General section.
  2. Scroll down past your personal account‘s admin role to the Existing Page Roles section.

This shows everyone who currently has any role assigned to the Page, including admins, editors, moderators, advertisers, etc.

Remove the Unwanted Admin

  1. Locate the name of the admin you want to remove.
  2. Click the Edit button next to their name.
  3. Select Remove next to the Admin role.
  4. Confirm you want to remove their admin access by clicking Confirm.

That‘s it! This immediately revokes their admin privileges and removes their access to post, advertise, view insights, and make any changes to the Page.

Pro Tip: You can also assign them a lower-access role like Editor or Moderator if you still want them to have limited permissions.

Be Aware of What Happens After Removing an Admin

When you delete an admin from a Facebook Page, there are some key things to note:

  • They will no longer be able to post, edit, or manage ads on the Page.
  • Any existing posts, comments, or messages they created will remain visible.
  • Ensure there is at least one active admin left managing the Page to avoid getting locked out.
  • The removed admin will get a notification alerting them of the change.
  • You can block them on your personal profile if you want to completely revoke access.

According to Facebook‘s latest statistics, the average small business Page has about 3-4 admins. I recommend keeping it between 1-5 to avoid confusion. Every admin should have clearly defined roles and responsibilities.

Avoid Common Pitfalls

Over the years assisting clients, I‘ve seen some common issues arise when trying to remove a Facebook Page admin:

You‘re the Only Admin

Never remove yourself as the sole admin on a Page. You will get locked out with no way to regain access.

Before deleting your own admin role, add another trusted person as an admin first.

The Button is Grayed Out

Sometimes the option to remove an admin will be grayed out and unusable. This usually happens if:

  • They originally created the Facebook Page.
  • They are the only admin left on the Page.
  • Their page role is higher than yours, like Editor vs Moderator.

If this happens, try contacting Facebook support to request they remove the admin or ask the person to voluntarily step down from their role.

The Person Still Has Access

On rare occasions, a removed admin may still appear to have access to post and edit. Give it some time and recheck the next day. Their access should be fully revoked within 24 hours in most cases.

Best Practices for Managing Page Roles

Based on my experience, here are some tips for effectively managing admins and roles on your Facebook Page:

  • Assign roles based on responsibilities. For example, give posting access to Content Creators and ad management to Advertisers.
  • Limit admin roles only to those who absolutely need it. Too many admins leads to confusion.
  • Review roles regularly and remove unneeded access promptly. For instance, if a Social Media Manager leaves the company, remove them.
  • Enable two-factor authentication for all users with page access for better security.
  • Monitor the Activity Log to track changes made by admins and ensure they are authorized.
  • Document all assignments in a spreadsheet or database for reference.

Carefully managing Facebook Page roles takes diligence, but helps ensure your brand stays secure and controlled. Let me know if you need any help removing an admin or optimizing roles on your Page!