7 Best Tools for Generating Unique Blog Topic Ideas

Coming up with fresh, compelling blog topic ideas can be a frustrating struggle for many writers. When facing a creative block, idea generators can provide a spark of inspiration to get your creative juices flowing again.

In this post, we‘ll explore the 7 best blog topic and headline generators available, along with tips for using them effectively as part of an overall ideation workflow.

1. Hubspot Blog Topic Generator

The Hubspot Blog Topic Generator is one of the simplest idea generators out there. Input up to three keyword phrases and it will instantly output five unique blog topic suggestions that incorporate your keywords.

Pros: Extremely easy to use, fast topic suggestions, helpful for spur-of-the-moment inspiration.

Cons: Very limited functionality, only provides five topic ideas per use.

This tool works best for triggering a quick creative spark. I like to use it when I have a general subject area in mind but need help framing specific angle ideas. The topics it generates tend follow common blog title formulas like "X Ways to Y" or "How to Z".

2. Portent Idea Generator

The Portent Idea Generator takes a more mad-lib style approach. Enter a keyword and it will insert that word into one of several blog title templates, filling in the other words with related terms.

Pros: Generates very unique titles, provides contextual reasoning behind title term choices.

Cons: Only creates one title per click, have to manually generate more.

I find this tool extremely helpful for identifying interesting angles I would never have thought of on my own. It draws connections between words I wouldn‘t connect in my head. The root keyword ends up inserted in intriguing contexts.

3. Upwordly Headline Analyzer

Upwordly is an AI-powered headline generator and analyzer. Input a root keyword or draft headline and it will instantly generate 50+ optimized headline suggestions along with predictive performance metrics.

Pros: Massive headline variety, insightful performance prediction data.

Cons: Overly salesy/clickbaity titles.

This is an invaluable data-driven take on the headline ideation process. The huge headline pool provides epic variety I haven‘t seen matched elsewhere. And predicted metrics help further refine selections. My one gripe is headlines skew excessively click-driven rather than nuanced.

4. Blog Ideas Generator Chrome Extension

The Blog Ideas Generator is a handy Chrome extension that suggests topics related to the site you are browsing.

Pros: Context-specific ideas, easy one-click access.

Cons: Chrome-only, very simple functionality.

Having an ideation tool directly integrated into my browsing experience has been a game-changer. I can quickly jot down title ideas or angles related to sites I‘m already visiting without leaving my tab. However, I wish it were available beyond just Chrome.

5. Semrush Keyword Magic Tool

Semrush‘s Keyword Magic Tool takes a keyword-driven approach to headline generation. Input a seed keyword and configure filters to generate dozens of additional keyword variations which often spark interesting title ideas.

Pros: Massive keyword variety, highly customizable, integrates analyze data.

Cons: Requires Semrush subscription.

As a keyword analyzer power user, I‘m huge on optimizing around search volume and related keywords. This ties directly into ideating compelling, SEO-driven titles that attract search traffic. My only reservation is the tool sits behind the Semrush paywall.

6. Quora

Quora isn‘t technically a headline generator but I consistently derive great topic ideas while browsing related questions.

Pros: Direct insight into user questions, discover popular subjects.

Cons: Not a structured generator tool.

If I really want to optimize content around reader interests, what better source than crowdsourced user questions? Even without using the site‘s Topic feature, exploring any category inevitably reveals many intriguing unanswered discussions.

7. Mix and Match Multiple Generators

While each generator has strengths and weaknesses, I‘ve found the best approach is mixing and matching tools as part of an overarching generative workflow.

Here‘s my personal step-by-step process:

  1. Start broad: Use a tool like Hubspot to get general ideas around a root topic.

  2. Take a unique angle: Create titles with Portent to find uncommon perspectives.

  3. Flesh out titles: Build on titles through Upwordly‘s massive headline pool

  4. Validate ideas: Research validated questions and discussions around final titles on Quora.

  5. Expand keywords: Identify additional keyword opportunities through Semrush.

Running titles through this workflow leaves me with a strong shortlist of compelling, SEO-optimized ideas validated by user interest.

It takes time to assemble and execute such an extensive process. But it consistently yields topics I know readers will genuinely care about.

Generating killer topic ideas is only step one. You still need framework to transform each title into full blog-worthy content.

Here are two templated structures I often use to develop headline ideas into complete posts:

Listicle template

  1. Intro explaining key focus area and why it matters to readers.
  2. Body section with each list item a separate header expanding on one sub-topic.
  3. Each list item contains: Overview, examples, actionable tips, additional resources etc.
  4. Conclusion summarizing key points and next steps for readers.

Expert guide template

  1. Open with positioning you as an expert in the area, background credentials.
  2. Dive into common reader myths, assumptions and difficulties in the focus area.
  3. Offer counterpoint insights explaining the right way to approach this area (with data).
  4. Provide actionable best practices, case studies and examples reinforcing key ideas.
  5. Close driving readers to takeaways centering around one core aspect to focus on.

Leveraging templates transforms idea generation from a means to an end into the starting point for contained, high-quality posts centered around each distinctive topic.

With the volume of content competition today, truly unique topic ideas are harder to find than ever. Creative idea generator tools provide invaluable sparks to kickstart your topics ideation efforts.

Mixing and matching generators gives you variety and customizability. Using templated frameworks then helps shape distinctive ideas into compelling posts worth sharing.

Hopefully this guide has uncovered some new generative tools and approaches you can integrate into your creative workflow.

As a next step, be sure to also check tools to optimize writing and copy once you‘ve drafted initial content. Services like Copy.ai and INK provide AI-powered refinements tailored around tone, clarity and engagement.

What other topic idea generators or content creation tools are part of your process? Let‘s exchange notes in the comments!
