The Ultimate Guide to Review Scraping in 2024

review scraping

Product and service reviews have become an essential part of the consumer decision-making process. Studies show that over 90% of customers read online reviews before making a purchase. As a business, monitoring your reviews and those of your competitors can provide invaluable insights to guide your strategy and operations. This is where review scraping comes in.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll cover everything you need to know about scraping customer reviews in 2024.

What is Review Scraping?

Review scraping refers to the automated extraction of customer reviews from websites. It involves using web scraping bots or APIs to collect review data from sources like ecommerce sites, social media, and review platforms.

The scraped data usually includes:

  • Review text
  • Reviewer name/details
  • Rating
  • Date posted
  • Product details

This data can then be structured and analyzed to gain insights.

review scraping

Review scraping is the process of extracting customer review data from multiple websites. A general review scraping process consists of 7 steps.

Why Reviews Matter

Here are some key stats on the influence of online reviews:

  • 88% of consumers read online reviews before making a purchase decision. [1]
  • Online reviews are trusted 12x more than product descriptions from brands. [2]
  • 72% of customers will only buy a product that has at least 4 stars. [3]

For businesses, monitoring online reviews can help:

  • Understand customer sentiment
  • Identify product/service issues
  • Benchmark against competitors
  • Respond to negative feedback
  • Gather feedback for improvement
  • Influence new buyers

Simply put, reviews are indispensable for understanding your customers and staying competitive. Manually monitoring countless sources is impossible – which is where review scraping comes in handy.

Scraping Reviews from Ecommerce Sites

Major ecommerce platforms like Amazon and eBay host a huge volume of reviews for products across categories. Scraping these sites can provide useful comparative data on specific products or competitors.

Steps to Scrape Reviews from Ecommerce Sites

Here is an overview of the review scraping process for ecommerce:

  1. Identify competitors/products to track – Search on the platform for keywords related to your business to find relevant products and brands.

  2. Extract review pages – For each product, scrape the page containing its reviews. This may require paginating through multiple pages.

  3. Parse review data – Extract key data fields from the pages using scraping tools/APIs. This includes text, ratings, date, etc.

  4. Overcome bot detection – Use proxies or headless browsers to mimic human behavior and avoid blocks.

  5. Store scraped data – Compile all structured review data into a database or spreadsheet for analysis.

  6. Analyze – Aggregate, filter, and visualize data to find insights. Look at sentiment, common complaints, product comparisons, etc.

  7. Monitor regularly – Schedule periodic scrapes to stay updated on the latest reviews.

By following these steps, you can leverage reviews from major ecommerce sites for competitive intelligence and product improvements.

Scraping Social Media Reviews

Reviews on social platforms like Twitter and Instagram can also be invaluable. People often mention brands, air complaints, or leave feedback on social media.

Scraping relevant social conversations allows you to:

  • Monitor brand mentions and sentiment
  • Analyze complaints and feedback
  • Benchmark social media presence against competitors
  • Identify influencers talking about your industry
  • Detect trends and arising issues early

Scraping Social Media Reviews

The process of scraping social media for reviews involves:

  1. Identifying competitors – Search for relevant keywords, hashtags and profiles to find who to monitor.

  2. Choosing a platform – Select the most relevant social site for your brand eg Twitter, Instagram.

  3. Extracting conversations – Use keywords, hashtags, or usernames to scrape conversations.

  4. Parsing reviews – Extract commentary, feedback and reviews from the scraped content.

  5. Analyzing sentiment – Gauge positive, negative and neutral sentiment towards brands.

  6. Overcoming restrictions – Use proxies and headless browsers to avoid bot detection.

With the wealth of review data on social media, tapping into these conversations can give invaluable insights for your business.

Key Applications of Scraped Reviews

Scraped online review data has a number of applications:

Sentiment analysis – Identify whether sentiment towards your brand is positive, negative or neutral overall. This indicates public perception.

Competitor benchmarking – Compare product reviews and ratings against competing brands. This can guide your positioning.

Market research – Analyze reviews to identify customer pain points, new features they need, emerging trends etc. This can inform product and service improvements.

Influencer marketing – Find reviewers or influencers speaking about your industry to potentially collaborate with.

Reputation monitoring – Detect rising complaints or issues early before they spread further. This allows for quick responses and mitigation.

Lead generation – Visitors who leave detailed reviews have demonstrated interest. You can target them with offers to convert them into leads.

Overall, review scraping provides data to guide nearly all aspects of your business from products to marketing. It is an essential competitive intelligence tool in the age of the empowered consumer.


I hope this guide has provided a comprehensive overview of scraping online customer reviews – one of the most valuable sources of competitive intelligence today.

To recap:

  • Review scraping involves using bots to extract data from sites like ecommerce platforms, social media and review sites.

  • The extracted data can provide insights to improve products, benchmark competitors, identify influencers, monitor reputation and more.

  • Overcoming bot detection is key to successful large-scale scraping. Proxies and headless browsers help avoid blocks.

  • With the influence reviews have over consumers, being able to leverage review data can be a major competitive advantage for any business.

Scraping solutions have made aggregating and analyzing vast amounts of review data possible. If you‘re looking for platforms to handle large-scale review scraping, please get in touch. Our team would be happy to advise on an effective solution for your business needs.


[1] [2] [3]